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Anti-snoring Mouthguards

What is snoring?

Snoring is a dangerous interruption of breathing during sleep. It occurs when the soft pallet vibrates, creating noise. Snoring is a result of inhaling, not exhaling.

Why do we snore?


  • Looseness in the soft pallet and tongue during sleep
  • Enlargement of the tonsils
  • Enlargement of the tongue
  • Adenoid hypertrophy (Enlarged adenoids)
  • Sleeping position
  • Sinusitis
  • Age
  • Being overweight
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Anti-anxiety medications
  • Fatigue

Is snoring a serious problem?

Snoring is a serious problem in terms of health and it can also threaten your social life! High blood pressure is more common among people who snore frequently than among those who don not. An apnea is the transient cessation of breathing for longer than ten seconds. More than ten episodes of apnea per hour in adults, and more than five episodes of apnea per hour in children can be life threatening. This phenomenon causes the amount of oxygen in the blood to drop considerably, which means that the heart is forced to work harder in order to maintain the oxygen level. After a while, the heart’s rhythm is disrupted and after years of this, high blood pressure and heart enlargement occur.Snoring can lead to excessive fatigue, making the following day pass unproductively.

How is it treated?


  • Anti-snoring mouth guards
  • Removal of tonsils and adenoids
  • A partial removal of the soft pallet and epiglottis
  • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) mask

Dietary and exercise adjustments can also be effective treatments.



What is an anti-snoring mouthguard?

During sleep, muscles become loose and the lower jaw moves back, leading to snoring. The anti-snoring mouthguard is placed in the mouth at night and prevents the jaw from moving backward. Thus, it prevents snoring.

How are anti-snoring mouthguards cleaned?

An anti-snoring mouthguard can be brushed with soap and water after being removed from the mouth. The clean mouthguard is then stored in its case. In order to keep the mouthguard smelling fresh, mouthwash may be poured into the case.

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