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Whitening (Bleaching)

What is whitening?

Whitening is cosmetic procedure for removing stains that create aesthetic problems from the dentin and the enamel of the teeth.

How is whitening done?

There are two types of whitening procedures. The first is performed at a dentist’s office under supervision while the second type can be done at home. In the second method, a transparent tooth cover that the patient can insert and remove is used. The front surfaces of these covers are where the whitening agents are placed. The patient should wear the cover for 15 days from 6 to 8 hours a day. Dentists particularly recommend wearing it for this length of time while sleeping. In this at-home whitening system, the patient must use the cover consistently for the recommended period of time, otherwise the method will not be successful. Also, correctly adjusting the amount of whitening agent used is very important. The patient must not use more than the amount recommended by his or her dentist. As this is a long-term treatment, patients may get tired of doing it and want to speed up the process by using more than the recommended amount. However, this may lead to tooth sensitivity. The types of whitening agents used at home and at dentists’ offices may be the same, however, the concentrations are different. Therefore, the procedure done at a dentist’s office takes 30 minutes, while the one done at home takes one or two weeks.

Who can benefit from a whitening procedure?

It takes 18 years for teeth to mature and reach their final color. For this reason, anyone over the age of 18 may have a whitening procedure done. Those who suffer from yellowing in the teeth may obtain a more aesthetically pleasing smile through a whitening procedure.

Does whitening work for all types of coloring?

While whitening is very successful for teeth that have experienced yellowing, it becomes difficult if the teeth have taken on a grey color. While this greyness may be because of the tooth’s natural state, a grey or sometimes a purple color may also be the result of the tooth having undergone a route canal procedure.

The whitening procedures used for color resulting from route canal procedures are quite different and allow us to achieve quality results on a single tooth.

Is the whitening procedure painful?

Whitening is not a painful process, however, patients may experience short-term sensitivity either during or following the procedure. This sensitivity is not typically the kind of continuous pain that will cause a lot of discomfort. However, we can assist our patients who have a low pain threshold by recommending painkillers to them.

How long will the sensitivity last?

While sensitivity may occur on the day of the procedure, it is not expected that there will be any on the following day.

Is whitening harmful for teeth?

The procedure is done by whitening the liquid within the tiny enamel particles of the tooth using oxygen derivative materials. For this reason, it does not damage teeth at all. Whitening done at the dentist’s office does not cause any wear, cracking or breakage.

What should I do following the whitening procedure?

It is necessary for the patient to avoid tooth-coloring substances such as cigarettes, chocolate, tea, coffee, red wine, cherry juice and so on in the one-week period between the first and second sessions. Also, there should be no sudden temperature shocks to the teeth such as drinking ice water after eating hot soup.

How long will teeth stay white following the procedure?

Whitening is a cosmetic treatment. As long as one does not consume substances with coloring agents such as cigarettes, tea, coffee, cola, red wine and cherry juice in excessive amounts, the teeth should maintain their white color for two and a half to three years. The old color will like return within one and a half years for those who smoke excessively.

We also recommend special toothpastes using specially prepared formulas for maintaining whiteness.

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