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Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth

In general, very few patients have enough space in their mouths for wisdom teeth to emerge and even for those who do, wisdom teeth are not very functional in terms of chewing. These teeth usually remain embedded in the jawbone. Dentists believe that these teeth should be extracted in order to prevent them from impacting the other teeth and causing infection.

Embedded wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are the largest in the molar group. The human mouth contains canines, premolars and molars for cutting, breaking apart and grinding food. The wisdom teeth are located at the end of the fourth segment. These are the final teeth to emerge, taking their place in the mouth around the ages of 18-24. Due of lack of space, however, they remain embedded.

These teeth usually cause the following symptoms:

  • Pain
  • Ear pain
  • Difficulty opening the mouth

It is possible to relieve these symptoms with antibiotics, however, they will generally return. Wisdom teeth are strongly connected to the interior of the mouth and are sometimes fully and sometimes only partly visible. A bad taste or discharge may accompany the pain. The emergence of these teeth is generally very painful and can last for a long time. Painkillers and gargling with warm salt water can bring the problem under control. It is not guaranteed that the teeth will cause problems, but they often lead to swelling, sensitivity, pain, difficulty opening the mouth, bad breath and a bad taste.

Reasons for extraction of wisdom teeth:

  • Chronic pain
  • Repeated pericoronitis
  • Decay
  • Abscess
  • Cysts in the tooth
  • Tumor
  • Damage to surrounding tissue (such as decay of adjacent tooth)
  • Hinders another surgical procedure
Complications that may arise from an extraction

These teeth carry the risk of bleeding, edema and infection that are the same as normal extractions. Wisdom tooth extractions, in particular, carry the risk of nerve damage. In 10-12 percent of cases, there is numbness for a few days and in 1 percent of cases, for a few weeks. Although very rare, this numbness is sometimes permanent. An extraction performed by inexperienced hands may also damage surrounding teeth.

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